Évaluation mutuelle de la Suède

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Mutual Evaluation of Sweden

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MER Sweden full.pdf
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Évaluation mutuelle de la Suède

Ce rapport est une synthèse des mesures en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux (LBC) et le financement du terrorisme (FT) en vigueur à au moment de la visite sur place [2006/02/17] et immédiatement après. Il décrit et analyse ces mesures et indique par des recommandations comment renforcer certains aspects du système. Il établit également le niveau de conformité de la Suède avec les 40+9 Recommandations du GAFI.

Le rapport et le synthèse du rapport sont disponibles en anglais uniquement. 


The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has completed an assessment of the implementation of its anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing standards in Sweden.  Among its major findings were:

  • Swedish legal structures in place to combat money laundering are generally sound; their level of effectiveness has yet to be fully tested.
  • The terrorist financing offence is generally broad and effective.
  • Customer identification requirements are in place for financial institutions; however, these measures could be further enhanced through a more comprehensive due diligence framework.
  • The Swedish financial intelligence unit should be permitted to keep suspicious transaction report information for a longer period in order to increase its effectiveness.
  • The supervisory regime regarding anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures could be enhanced for certain types of financial institutions (bureaux de change and money remittance services).