Conformité technique
Des notations qui reflètent la mesure dans laquelle un pays a mis en œuvre les exigences techniques des recommandations du GAFI.
Espagne Évaluation de suivi - 2019
- R.1 - Assessing risk & applying risk-based approach
- C
- R.2 - National cooperation and coordination
- LC
- R.3 - Money laundering offence
- LC
- R.4 - Confiscation and provisional measures
- C
- R.5 - Terrorist financing offence
- C
- R.6 - Targeted financial sanctions related to terrorism & terrorist financing
- PC
- R.7 - Targeted financial sanctions related to proliferation
- PC
- R.8 - Non-profit organisations
- LC
- R.9 - Financial institution secrecy laws
- C
- R.10 - Customer due diligence
- LC
- R.11 - Record keeping
- C
- R.12 - Politically exposed persons
- C
- R.13 - Correspondent banking
- C
- R.14 - Money or value transfer services
- C
- R.15 - New technologies
- C
- R.16 - Wire transfers
- C
- R.17 - Reliance on third parties
- LC
- R.18 - Internal controls and foreign branches and subsidiaries
- C
- R.19 - Higher-risk countries
- C
- R.20 - Reporting of suspicious transactions
- C
- R.21 - Tipping-off and confidentiality
- C
- R.22 - DNFBPs: Customer due diligence
- LC
- R.23 - DNFBPs: Other measures
- C
- R.24 - Transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons
- LC
- R.25 - Transparency and beneficial ownership of legal arrangements
- LC
- R.26 - Regulation and supervision of financial institutions
- LC
- R.27 - Powers of supervisors
- C
- R.28 - Regulation and supervision of DNFBPs
- LC
- R.29 - Financial intelligence units
- C
- R.30 - Responsibilities of law enforcement and investigative authorities
- C
- R.31 - Powers of law enforcement and investigative authorities
- C
- R.32 - Cash couriers
- C
- R.33 - Statistics
- C
- R.34 - Guidance and feedback
- C
- R.35- Sanctions
- C
- R.36 - International instruments
- C
- R.37 - Mutual legal assistance
- C
- R.38 - Mutual legal assistance: freezing and confiscation
- C
- R.39 - Extradition
- C
- R.40 - Other forms of international cooperation
- C
C = conforme (compliant ) | LC = en grande partie conforme (largely compliant) | PC = partiellement conforme (partially compliant) | NC = non conforme (non-compliant)
Ratings that reflect the extent to which a country's measures are effective. The assessment is conducted on the basis of 11 immediate outcomes, which represent key goals that an effective AML/CFT system should achieve.
Des notations qui reflètent le degré d'efficacité des mises en oeuvre par un pays. L'évaluation est menée sur la base de 11 résultats immédiats, qui représentent les objectifs clés qu'un système efficace de LBC/FT devrait atteindre.
Espagne Évaluation de suivi - 2019
- IO1
- SE
- IO2
- SE
- IO3
- SE
- IO4
- SE
- IO5
- SE
- IO6
- HE
- IO7
- SE
- IO8
- SE
- IO9
- SE
- IO10
- ME
- IO11
- SE
HE = niveau d'efficacité élevé (high level of effectiveness) | SE = niveau d'efficacité significatif (significant level of effectiveness) | ME = niveau d'efficacité modéré (moderate level of effectiveness) | LE = niveau d'efficacité faible (low level of effectiveness)