Objectives for the FATF during the Mexican Presidency (2024-2026)

Elisa de Anda Madrazo of Mexico assumes the Presidency of the FATF from July 2024 to June 2026 and is committed to continue and strengthen FATF’s efforts to tackle the financial flows that fuel crime and terrorism and disrupt our safety, economic stability and sustainable growth.  

Under the Mexican Presidency, the FATF’s work on governance, standards and engagement with stakeholders will be guided by the principles of inclusiveness, diversity and transparency.

The Presidency will prioritise the following work to support the Strategic Priorities for 2024-2026 as agreed by FATF Ministers in April 2024 :

  • Promote the risk-based implementation of the Standards under the principle of proportionality, particularly those that can contribute to advance financial inclusion. This is particularly important as limited access to formal financial services leads to greater reliance on cash and unregulated channels, increasing money laundering and terrorist financing risks.
  • Ensure a successful start to the new round of Assessments. This will be a significantly shorter cycle with greater emphasis on the major risks and context of the countries and a focus on effectiveness.
  • Strengthen the cohesion within the Global Network by continuing to foster transparency and inclusiveness.
  • Support effective implementation of revised FATF Standards with a focus on the recently strengthened standards on asset recovery, beneficial ownership, and virtual assets.
  • Continue efforts to increase and update understanding of terrorist financing and proliferation risks to prevent and combat these activities.

The Presidency looks forward to enhancing FATF’s communication and engagement with stakeholders, and working collaboratively with all members, associate members, and partners, and to be reflective of the diverse perspectives and realities within our global community.   

The FATF Global Network endorsed and welcomed these priorities at the June 2024 Plenary.

Mexican Presidency Priorities

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