Zimbabwe's progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing

Publication details



Uganda-TC R-R Analytical Tool

Zimbabwe has made progress in addressing some of the technical compliance deficiencies identified in its Mutual Evaluation.

In light of this, Zimbabwe has been re-rated on 10 Recommendations:

  • R4, R10, R12, R14, R15, R16, R18, R19, R22, R23


ESAAMLG-Follow-Up Report-Zimbabwe-2019

ESAAMLG-Follow-Up Report-Zimbabwe-2019.pdf
938 KB

Earlier reports

  • 3 Jan 2017

    Zimbabwe's measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing The Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) completed its assessment of Zimbabwe's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) system. The assessment is a comprehensive review of the effectiveness of Zimbabwe's AML/CFT system and its level of compliance with the FATF Recommendations. This assessment was conducted under the responsibility of the ESAAMLG, adopted by the Council of Ministers at its September 2016 Plenary meeting. The findings of this assessment have also been reviewed and endorsed by the FATF.

Related materials

The FATF Recommendations

The FATF Recommendations are the basis on which all countries should meet the shared objective of tackling money laundering, terrorist financing and the financing of proliferation. The FATF calls upon all countries to effectively implement these measures in their national systems.

Mutual Evaluations

The FATF conducts peer reviews of each member on an ongoing basis to assess levels of implementation of the FATF Recommendations, providing an in-depth description and analysis of each country’s system for preventing criminal abuse of the financial system

The 2022 and 2013 Methodologies for Assessing Technical Compliance with the FATF Recommendations and the Effectiveness of AML/CFT/CPF Systems

These documents are guides intended for use by assessors who are tasked with conducting a mutual evaluation. They provide a structured framework of analysis that ensures a level of consistency and high quality of the mutual evaluation reports produced. Latest update: August 2024