President's Summary of Outcomes from the Experts’ meeting on Corruption

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President's Summary of Outcomes from the Experts’ meeting on Corruption

Paris, 13 October 2012

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) held, in collaboration with the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group, its second Experts Meeting on Corruption on Saturday, 13 October 2012.  The meeting was chaired by the President of the FATF, Mr Bjørn S. Aamo (Norway), and hosted by the World Bank.  The FATF continues to emphasise the anti-corruption agenda, while avoiding duplication of the role of mandated anti-corruption bodies.  Part of that work is focused on bringing together anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) experts and anti-corruption (AC) experts for the purpose of discussing issues of mutual interest.  The first FATF Experts Meeting was held in President's Summary of Outcomes from the Expert's meeting on Corruption, 27 February 2011 under the Mexican FATF Presidency, and was the first international platform for exchanging views between operational-level AML/CFT and anti-corruption experts, policy makers from both developing and developed countries, and international standard setters and assessment/monitoring bodies.

The key objectives for this meeting were:

  • To identify key challenges and possible solutions for facilitating international co-operation by exploiting the synergies between AML/CFT measures and AC measures;
  • To have an in-depth discussion of key issues concerning international co-operation in the context of investigating and prosecuting corruption, bribery and related money laundering offences;
  • To identify and discuss key AML/CFT tools that asset recovery practitioners should be aware of and use;
  • To use the results of the discussions as input into FATF’s and anti-corruption standard setters’ ongoing and future work on corruption, and
  • To identify those FATF Recommendations that are particularly useful for AC experts and that should be included in FATF best practices on corruption.

President's Summary of Outcomes from the Expert's meeting on Corruption, Paris, 13 October 2012