Consolidated assessment ratings

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Through its nine FATF-Style Regional Bodies (FSRBs), the FATF brings together a global network of 205 jurisdictions that have each committed at the highest political level, to implementing the FATF Recommendations.   

FATF and FSRBs conduct peer reviews on an ongoing basis to assess how effectively their respective members' AML/CFT measures work in practice, and how well they have implemented the technical requirements of the FATF Recommendations.    

This table provides an up-to-date overview of the ratings that assessed countries obtained for effectiveness and technical compliance (last updated on 21 March 2025). These should be read in conjunction with the detailed Mutual Evaluation Reports, which are available on this website. 


Consolidated ratings - xlsx format

459 KB

Consolidated table of assessment ratings - pdf format

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  • Consolidated Processes and Procedures for Mutual Evaluations and Follow-Up Universal Procedures The set of core elements that apply to all anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing assessments, in accordance with the FATF 2013 Methodology. These procedures were last revised in September 2022.
  • 2013 Procedures for the FATF Fourth Round of AML/CFT Mutual Evaluations This document sets out the procedures that are the basis for the fourth round of mutual evaluations which involves two inter-related components for technical compliance and effectiveness. Adopted in 2013, these Procedures were last amended in February 2023.
  • Mutual Evaluations What is involved in a mutual evaluation? A simple explanation of the various stages and parties involved in the assessment of the effectiveness of a country's measures to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism and proliferation.

An effective system to combat money laundering and terrorist financing

What is the objective of anti-money laundering, counter terrorist and counter proliferation financing efforts?  Find out more about the various components that governments must implement, and that the FATF will assess against.
