Organised Maritime Piracy and Related Kidnapping for Ransom

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Organised Maritime Piracy and Related Kidnapping for Ransom

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Organised Maritime Piracy and Related Kidnapping for Ransom

In recent years, there has been a growing concern over organised piracy on the high seas and kidnapping for ransom. These activities present a number of potential risks to the international financial system and challenges to the law enforcement and regulatory framework worldwide.

Piracy for ransom and kidnapping for ransom are considered separate categories of serious criminal offences and as such, they are addressed independently in this study:

Maritime piracy for ransom

This section examines the financial implications of piracy as a major proceeds-generating offences. It provides a clear overview of patterns of illicit financial activity associated with this offence.

Kidnapping for ransom

This section focuses specifically on kidnapping as a means of financing terrorism and as a means to collect funds and support operations of terrorist groups. It provides a unique insight into the significance of revenue generated from this offence for a number of terrorist groups and criminal organisations, and the role of the formal financial sector.

In addition to raising awareness of these important issues, the report also highlights some of the challenges associated with identifying, investigating, and tracing illicit flows associated with maritime piracy for ransom and kidnapping for ransom.

For more information about this report, please contact the FATF Secretariat at :