Public consultation on FATF Money Laundering National Risk Assessment Guidance Update

Publication details


The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is in the process of updating its guidance on National Risk Assessments (NRA), in particular concerning Money Laundering NRAs.

The goal is to update the NRA guidance to make it more effective, comprehensive and useful for all stakeholders involved. We invite contributions from the private sector, civil society and academia to ensure the guidance is aligned with their experiences. At this stage, the FATF has not finalised the draft NRA Guidance and will consider the views received to revise the text before its proposal for adoption at the FATF October 2024 Plenary.

What is an NRA?

A National Risk Assessment (NRA) is a comprehensive process used by countries to identify, assess, and understand the ML and/or TF risks they face. This process involves evaluating threats and vulnerabilities, determining the level of risk, and developing strategies to mitigate these risks. The NRA provides a foundation for informed policy-making, resource allocation, and the implementation of effective AML/CFT measures. It ensures that national strategies are aligned with the specific risk landscape of the country and that they address both domestic and international threats.

The questionnaire can be found here. Please provide your responses by 22 July 2024, 18h00 CET.

A summary of the information gathered will be shared with FATF delegations but will not be attributed. We may reach out to you in future for further information, and may seek permission to use examples in the guidance. The information gathered will not be shared with third parties without your consent.

For any questions, we invite you to contact the FATF Secretariat at before 22 July 2024, 18h00 when the consultation will close. 

Thank you in advance for your engagement with this project, and we look forward to receiving your input.