Technical Compliance
Ratings which reflect the extent to which a country has implemented the technical requirements of the FATF Recommendations.
C = compliant | LC = largely compliant | PC = partially compliant | NC = non-compliant
Earlier reports
6 Sep 2021
Mongolia's progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing This follow-up report analyses the progress of Mongolia in addressing the technical compliance deficiencies identified in its MER. -
15 Sep 2020
Follow-up report to Mongolia's assessment of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures This follow-up report analyses the progress of Mongolia in addressing the technical compliance deficiencies identified in its MER and FUR. -
4 Oct 2019
Follow-up report to Mongolia's assessment of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures This follow-up report analyses the progress of Mongolia in addressing the technical compliance deficiencies identified in its MER. -
20 Sep 2017
Mongolia's measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing This report provides a summary of the AML/CFT measures in place in Mongolia as at the date of the on-site visit 4 November 2016. -
24 Jul 2007
Mutual Evaluation of Mongolia Mongolia is a member of APG, the assessment of the implementation of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT measures in Mongolia was conducted by APG.